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CATEM gana votación de Contrato Colectivo de Trabajo de Mazda Salamanca; asegura hay tensión por aranceles de EU

Nuevo ataque armado en vivienda de Veracruz deja tres muertos; entre las víctimas habría un presunto empresario

Alcalde de Benito Juárez asegura que trabajan para generar mejores condiciones a favor de las mujeres; "mi compromiso es con ustedes", dice
In recent days, Mexico has witnessed protests by women calling for equality , justice , and security as gender violenc e has surged throughout the country. On March 8 , thousands of Mexican women marched to commemorate International Women’s Day and ask the government and the rest of the population to stop femicides , sex crimes , and sexist ideology against them. On March 9 , Mexican women went on a national strike to demand justice, equality, and the eradication of gender violence while giving visibility to the role of women and making a radical statement against femicide , misogyny , and inequality .
It was precisely in this framework that EL UNIVERSAL gathered 104 outstanding women leaders to recognize the social impact of their work in politics , social sciences , communication , and literature , among many other fields, as well as to highlight the relevance of women in all spheres, their contributions, and achievements.