One of the most iconic dishes of Mexican cuisine are tacos . They are very versatile and besides being delicious they have an interesting story behind them. Tacos date back to pre-colonial times . Farmers transported their food in tortillas so they could eat, and so tacos were born.
Nowadays, there are several kinds of tacos, such as tacos de suadero , stews , and tongue , but one of the most popular are tacos al pastor.
Tacos al pastor are made of spiced pork, pineapple, onion, coriander, lime , and, of course, salsa .
The website Taste Atlas , specialized in international gastronomy, named tacos al pastor the world’s favorite dish .
However, it is not only a matter of flavor : tacos al pastor can also be healthy .
In 2013 , students from the Chemistry, Foods and Environment Engineering Department of the Americas University in Puebla made a study that showed that five tacos al pastor , with all the traditional ingredients, contain:
- 11.92% of fats
- 20.77% of proteins
- 42.47% of moisture
- 23.51% of carbohydrates
- 1.33% of mineral nutrients
In comparison, there are fiber bars in the market that contain from 20% to 30% of fats. In addition, the ingredients of tacos al pastor have health benefits by themselves.
For instance, coriander is rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E ; minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus . It helps detox the body, reduce swelling, and improves bowel transit.
is a vegetable rich in vitamin C , which helps fight common cold symptoms. It also contains calcium, magnesium, copper, and potassium , which improve blood circulation.
Additionally, tortillas contain calcium that promotes bone health, and pineapple has diuretic effects.
According to the Mexican System of Equivalent Foods (SMAE) these are the calories contained in tacos al pastor:
- 332 kilocalories (per piece)
- 16 grams of protein
- 9 grams of fat
- 32 grams of carbohydrates
So, if by the end of this article you are craving for tacos al pastor, you can eat them guilt-free for they are healthy and supply nutrients to our body.