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In recent days, several politicians and governors have been diagnosed with COVID-19.
Omar Fayad
On March 28, Hidalgo Governor Omar Fayad confirmed he had been diagnosed with COVID-19.
The Hidalgo Governor is now in quarantine and working from home.
Moreover, in the last 10 days, Fayad has met with Finance Minister Arturo Herrera and President López Obrador, who has refused to get tested.
Adán Augusto López
On March 29, Adán Augusto López, the Governor of Tabasco, announced he had tested positive for COVID-19.
The Governor announced he will stay home for two weeks and emphasized he will keep on working from home.
On March 18, Tabasco Governor took his first test but it was negative.
Recommended: Mexico declares health emergency after a surge in COVID-19 cases
Francisco Domínguez Servién
On March 30, Querétaro Governor Francisco Domínguez Servién announced he has tested positive for coronavirus after showing some symptoms.
Now the Governor will isolate himself and follow the COVID-19 protocol established by health authorities.
In a message posted to social media, Domínguez Servién says he will stay in touch with his team and advisers and that he will continue to lead the state’s efforts to mitigate the health emergency and halt the pandemic.
On April 11, Querétaro Governor Francisco Domínguez ended his quarantine and he is now ready to return to work, however, he will physically distance himself from others and will continue working through videoconferences.
The Governor struggled with fever but it later improved along with the rest of his symptoms.
Francisco Domínguez is the first governor who has successfully recovered from COVID-19.
Héctor Astudillo
On June 9, Guerrero Governor Héctor Astudillo announced he had tested positive for COVID-19.
Francisco Cabeza de Vaca
On July 2, Tamaulipas Governor Francisco Cabeza de Vaca took to Twitter to report he had tested positive for COVID-19.
The governor asserted he has implemented “communication measures with my Health, Security, Economy, and Well-Being cabinets to continue working and taking care of the priorities in our state.”
“As I reported yesterday, Tamaulipas is going through a critical moment of infections,” Cabeza de Vaca mentioned.
On Wednesday, the governor made a call in a live video to people in Tamaulipas to follow the measures issued by authorities in order to reduce the infection rate and the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the state.
In his message, Cabeza de Vaca asserted that the Tamaulipas health system will collapse if people do not follow the corresponding health measures.
Silvano Aureoles
Michoacán Governor Silvano Aureoles announced he tested positive for COVID-19 on September 10. He said he would stay at home for the next two weeks.
The Governor said he noticed some symptoms yesterday and decided to get tested. He added that although he will quarantine himself, he will continue working at home.
As of September 9, Michoacán registered 16,939 COVID-19 cases and 1,334 deaths. Around 13,785 patients have recovered.
Governor Aureoles met with fellow governors to announce they were leaving the National Governors Conference (CONAGO) on September 7. Those in attendance were Chihuahua Governor Javier Corral, Durango GovernorJosé Rosas Aispuro, Jalisco Governor Enrique Alfaro, Tamaulipas Governor Javier García, Colima Governor José Ignacio Peralta, Coahuila Governor Miguel Ángel Riquelme, Nuevo León Governor Jaime Rodríguez, and Guanajuato Governor Diego Sinhue Rodríguez. It is unclear if any of them also contracted the novel coronavirus.