The Federal government and the National Institute for Women launched an action plan to guarantee the integrity, security , and the lives of women and girls in Mexico , the President also explained that shelters for women won't close but that now they will be managed by the government .

During a press conference Interior Minister, Olga Sánchez Cordero , said that the f ederal government will allocate resources to municipalities and states to maintain and promote shelters for women.

Sánchez Cordero

explained that violence against women and girls has increased dramatically. According to official numbers, 66 out of 100 women suffer violence inflicted by their partners, family members, school mates, co-workers, authorities, or strangers.

Also, 9 women and girls are murdered in the country every day, that is, every 160 minutes, a woman or girl is murdered in Mexico . In 2018, 3,580 victims were registered.

The strategy to prevent violence against women includes reforms to strengthen the gender alerts, the supervision of schools, sanctions against officials , among others.

Also, an advisory council will be created, they will monitor hotels, develop an app to connect with 911, permanent campaigns about the right of women and girls to a life free from violence , as well as a national registry of franchised public transport.

The administration will also audit every state in regards to femicide, sexual violence, domestic violence, and disappearances to identify the lines of research and structural problems.

Nadine Gasman Zylbermann,

the head of the National Women's Institute , was the UN Women's representative in Brazil , and for over five years, she was in charge of promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women .

In an interview with EL UNIVERSAL , Gasman said that the institute will “promote the fight against violence with a peace and security perspective , recognizing women as builders of peace. The strategy that we're going to present in the incoming days to the Interior Ministry is an integral approach to accelerate all the change and everyone has to work to prevent, sanction and eliminate violence against women . We're going to work to incorporate the development of women in terms of e conomic empowerment, well-being , of putting women in priority programs and how these can help close those gaps.

We will work on political participation, how to free their time so they can enter the job market , so they can have more fun, so that their time is more productive, create co-responsibility with men.”


revealed MXN $800 million were allocated for the institute this year.


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