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Mexico reiterated its opposition to becoming a safe third country for asylum seekers , with Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard endorsing on Thursday the senate leader’s declaration that the legislature would never pass the measure requested by the United States.
Mexico Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard
said in a tweet that he welcomed the senate’s “rejection of the safe third country proposal made by the United States last June.”
He had previously said the plan was unnecessary because Mexico had reduced migration at the U.S. southern border after the two countries struck a deal in June.
Ricardo Monreal
, the Senate leader of the president’s leftist National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) , said in a letter to Ebrard dated Wednesday that lawmakers had resolved to block a possible proposa l, which would need Senate approval to be implemented.
In theory, a safe third country agreement would force asylum seekers from Central America, who make up a large part of migrants apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border, to seek refuge in Mexico.