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Back in the day, the 329 markets i n Mexico City were modern and functional buildings but now they are old buildings that have deteriorated through the years, especially after the recent fires registered in the famous La Merced and San Cosme markets , which caused millions in losses and unemployment for the people whose economy depended on the market . After the tragedy, authorities have to look into the situation and the conditions of each market.
The previous local administration launched a program to improve the markets , however, it only consisted of the intervention of the facades so that they looked like old European markets but in regards to infrastructure security and operation, the administration led by Miguel Ángel Mancera ignored these aspects, and its priorities didn’t include the vendors , merchants , and buyers as authorities focused on aesthetic aspects rather than on safety . Therefore, local authorities rehabilitated 40 of the 329 markets; some were totally renovated but technical and structural flaws persist, as well as the proliferation of street vendors .
The current administration launched a program to improve 54 markets and started a program for increased security and surveillance to prevent crimes . Now, after the fires at La Merced and San Comes , local authorities inspected 50 biggest markets and found that at 30 of them, the electrical installation is damaged and puts the buildings at risk since all the conditions inside the markets could lead to fires and other tragic incidents .
Moreover, the 71,000 merchants do not invest in the facilities or to protect their merchandise . Therefore, the tragic incidents that recently affected two of the most important markets in the city show that negligence and corruption translate into tragedies .