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Sarampión se ha convertido en enfermedad reemergente; vacunación en México es del 70%, alertan académicas de la UNAM
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A large part of Mexican society isn't doing well in the country. There are thousands of children who are experiencing insecurity , sexual abuse or are the victims of human trafficking while entire communities turn a blind eye. Today, Mexico celebrates Children's Day but many of them won't celebrate at school or at home.
According to the Inegi , there are 38.3 million girls, boys, and teenagers in Mexico and although the country joined the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1990 , the rights of children are constantly violated. On Monday and Tuesday, EL UNIVERSAL revealed the inequality that prevails among Mexican children.
For example, in Mexico City , 6-year-old children are forced into collaborating with criminal groups who distribute drugs in the Garibaldi area . Their mission is to report any kind of “unusual” event: if they see someone from another criminal band selling drugs or if they identify someone who could be easily robbed . The messages are sent through teenagers between 14 and 16, who “guide” younger children.
Moreover , sexual abuse against minors has been on the rise for years. In 2015 , at least 2,081 cases were registered; in 2018, the number increased to 2,919, 39% ; and in 2019, the numbers are expected to worsen because from January to March, 873 cases were registered.
Also, in Guerrero , there are communities where there is a “ tradition ” that includes selling girls for prices between MXN $4,000 to MXN $150,000. The price is established according to the age (younger girls are more “expensive”), their behavior (if they had a boyfriend, the price decreases), and education levels (the more studies she has, the less she is worth). Human Rights organization s claim that this “tradition” is so deep-rooted that trying to prevent this practice is almost impossible.
Nevertheless, not all children face a sinister future . A lower number of children develop critical thinking and focus on science. Hundreds of children and teenagers have been supported by a program called Adopt a Talent (Pauta) , from the UNAM's Nuclear Sciences Institute, in order to develop scientific abilities.
does not offer the same opportunities to all children . Problems such as insecurity, impunity, and marginality affect children's future . A country that does not offer clear opportunities for children, nor the minimum protection conditions , has fewer chances of having a prosperous future.