is delicious and an excellent complement for tacos or in guacamole , but beyond that, what happens to the body if you eat it daily?
In his book How to Fight Wrinkles and Lose Weight , Dr. Nicholas Perricone mentions that consuming avocado helps to prevent diabetes , since a diet rich in monounsaturated fats , such as the ones contained in avocados, increase the levels of good cholesterol and regulates levels of sugar in the blood.
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It also reduces the risk of obesity since consuming low-energetic density foods like avocado can maintain a healthy body weight because they make you feel full with fewer calories, according to Dr. Perricone .
also have vitamin E, which delays the aging process and protects the organism against cardiovascular diseases and different kinds of cancer.
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is full of health benefits
In addition, it is great to keep electrolytes balanced for it is a good source of potassium ; it actually has 60% more potassium than bananas.
Last but not least, you should know that avocado supplies lutein , which protects against prostate cancer and from eye diseases .
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