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Aumentaron los asesinatos en 2024; 30 mil personas fueron víctimas de homicidio doloso, según datos oficiales
We all know that blows, pushes, and yelling are forms of violence that are exercised against other people but, as unbelievable as it may seem, there are different degrees of aggression that can be seen as normal or that are justified by the victims . In regards to this, the context where the victims grew up in has a lot to do, as well as the example set by their parents or other people in their family such as aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents, and other key factors are their education level and their income level.
In many families , the first aggression is usually carried out by the parents , where the victims and the aggressors accept violence as a part of the education of children. This way, the children are punished when they stray from the behavior models established by society or for any mistake. Besides this distorted way of bringing up children, based on physical punishment , you have to add verbal abuse, disapproval gestures, mocking, yelling, and even silence as a way to punish .
It wouldn't be strange that women who grew up in families where violence was accepted as an essential part of their formation process , later would allow and accept a similar treatment from their partners , who they can even perceive as someone who will perpetuate the parents' tasks. On the other hand, other women are aware that they are victims of violence but don't denounce it because they are afraid of losing their childre n, their home , or alimony when they depend on their partners financially. Other women claim they don't denounce the aggression because they are ashamed , they don't know their rights , their aggressors has threatened them, and even because they mistrust the authorities .
Besides physical aggression , there are other types of mistreatment such as emotional , which consists of restricting money, blocking family relationships , or the contact with other people, silence , mocking , or discredit , as well as s exual violence , among many other aggressions.
The Inegi has revealed that 7 in every 10 women have experienced violence at some point in their lives, and from them, almost half, 4 3.9% were abused by their husband, boyfriend , or partner . It is surprising that despite how serious the issue is, lawsuits are scarce, especially in areas with low education levels.
Thinking that physical abuse perpetrated by the husband, boyfriend, or partner is “normal” makes it evident that victims have issues, which should be treated with education and supportive actions from the government , but also with aid to denounce the aggressors before authorities, as well as protection measures for the victims who have filed lawsuits.