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Campeche governor has forsaken the state
Is the Campeche government running on autopilot? Everything seems to indicate this is the case, as the governor has been seen in Mexico City, lobbying to become the new PRI president. Yesterday, Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas spent most of Wednesday at a restaurant in the Polanco neighborhood, where he met with ancient PRI members, governors, in order to receive support for his candidacy. Hopefully, there will be no turbulence in Campeche because Alejandro Morena is far from home.
AMLO 1 – Opposition 0
There was a hurry at the Senate to end the voting of the new commissioners at the Energy Regulation Commission, CRE, because Morena received the order all the way from the Palacio Nacional . We've been told that the majority took over at the Senate , where Morena members backed the candidates nominated by the President . We've been told that the majority voted the nominations, knowing they would be rejected for the second time and pave the way for the President to appoint the commissioners .
Mistreatment at the Senate
If some people are having a rough time at the Senate , especially the security personnel because they are mistreated by some senators . We've been told the employees are mistreated by senators and their teams when they don't recognize them or when it takes some time for them to open the parking lot doors. We've been told that some of them, including powerful senators, were friendly but now they ignored them, or complain. We've been told that senators from all parties mistreat the employees . Hopefully, the Senate leader , Martí Batres, will step in.
A friendly breakfast
President López Obrado
r had breakfast with Ricardo Monreal, Morena' s leader in the Senate . Monreal claims they never talked about the internal quarrels in the party. According to Monreal , they don't deal with these topics. Do you think this is true