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AMLO's anti-crime deck
Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO)
has in his table a deck with several names so he can choose who will join him as head of Public Security, should he win the elections in July. Some members of his inner circle see the name of Tatiana Clouthier, given that AMLO mentioned her previously as a candidate to lead Mexico's Office of the Attorney General; however, she says she isn't certain about that. Of course, we've been told there are others to consider, such as Marcelo Ebrad and Ricardo Monreal , who are waiting to have a place within AMLO's team. Other names which have come up are José Francisco Gallardo, former candidate for Governor of Colima and Audomaro Martínez, a former bodyguard of AMLO. But don't worry about it because today that name will be known.
Appealing the Law on Internal Security
The leader of the left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) at the Chamber of Deputies, Francisco Martínez , has said to his fellow legislators that by January 15 they will file an appeal on the grounds of unconstitutionality against the Law on Internal Security , as the team of advisors is concluding their appeal to submit it before the Supreme Court of Justice. The deadline is January 20 . Mr. Paco seems quite confident his crusade will receive the support of 33% of the Congress: 165 deputies from the PRD and the center-left Citizen's Movement Party (MC), By the way, Francisco Martínez also said he hopes some legislators of the left National Regeneration Party (MORENA) can also join the cause.
Cell phones banned at the PRI military HQ
The squads of the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party ( PRI ), under the leadership of Enrique Ochoa Reza , are currently going over their preparations to enter the 2018 electoral battle. And, according to our sources, they spend long hours at the military headquarters, yet this time cell phones have been banned . Our sources say this way not only is the team of generals and tacticians safe against spies but also safe against leaks that could find their way to social networks. All must leave their cell phones in plastic bags which are returned to them upon departure. Is it true there'll be no leaks?
Meade's negotiations
Our sources say the visits of the aspiring presidential candidate of the center-right coalition formed by the Institutional Revolutionary Party ( PRI ), Green Party ( PVEM ), and the New Alliance Party ( PANAL ), José Antonio Meade , to the states of the Republic have also served as an opportunity to negotiate with the PRI Governors the names of the candidates for the Congress . Indeed, Congress seats have become the crown jewels, our sources say. For instance, Meade went to Zacatecas because here we have one of the tougher negotiations with Governor Alejandro Tello because several candidates want to go to the Senate. Who? Well, former Governor Miguel Alonso Reyes , the wife of Mr. Alejandro, Cristina Rodríguez , and Claudia Anaya , a member of the inner circle of Chancellor Luis Videgaray. We have to add that the national leader of the PVEM, Carlos Alberto Puente , also wants to secure something for his own. We've been told Meade will have to bring out his natural negotiating skills, subtly, to avoid unnecessary divisions.