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El fallido desafuero de Cuauhtémoc Blanco; momentos clave del proceso tras ser señalado por intento de violación

Sheinbaum supervisa avances del Trolebús Elevado Chalco-Santa Martha; se reúne con Clara Brugada y Delfina Gómez

Copred respalda a Cháirez tras suspensión de “La Venida del Señor”; defiende que su obra no vulnera derechos religiosos
Preliminary reports of the National Seismology Service report a 7.1 magnitude earthquake between the states of Puebla and Morelos was felt in Mexico City at about 13:14 hours today.
While some reports indicate there were two separate earthquakes, it appears it was a single event, yet there isn't further information at the moment.
The Governor of the state of Morelos , Graco Ramírez, reported on his Twitter account that so far 42 people in his state have lost their lives.
According to reports from various sources, several buildings have also collapsed in the central area of Mexico City, particularly in the Roma and Condesa neighborhoods. There are also reports of collapsed buildings in Morelos and Puebla.
Classes and activities have been suspended in Veracruz, Puebla, Mexico City and surrounding areas.