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Women who feel they are being sexually harassed or molested at the bars of Garibaldi Square, in Mexico City, can now ask help from the employees by ordering a "Diana Doble" ( “ Double Diana ”) drink.
The name is actually a code that all the employees of the 12 restaurants and bars at the also called Mariachi Square are familiar with, and they know it is used by women who are signaling for help against unwanted sexual advances .
The gender violence prevention protocol was called Double Diana in honor of Diana the Huntress , and is used by the Restaurant Association at the Mariachi Square and the Citizens Council, who are announcing their campaign through posters placed at women's toilets to explain to them how it works: “Are you feeling harassed or in danger? Is your date not going as you expected? Contact any staff member and order a Double Diana. If you order it 'straight,' it means you need someone to accompany you to your car to leave the place safe and sound; if you want it 'to take away', then you need a safe taxi to take you home; a blue Double Diana is the code to call the cops.”
Upon receiving the order, staff members of any of these establishments are also instructed to take the victim to a safe place within the bar or restaurant.
During a press conference, the president of the Citizens Council, Luis Wertman, explained that the camping launched its pilot test in December and after a series of interviews with positive results.
The 250 women who were interviewed said they had seen the posters, 85% think this measure will prevent assaults , 11% said they weren't certain of the reach it would have, and only 6% considered the measure futile.
Wertman explained that with this campaign, they are trying to stop violence against women; however, “ if a man were to order a Double Diana, the staff would know what to do.”
The president of the Council added that not only are the 133 employees of restaurants and bars – including managers, waiters, and headwaiters – trained to know how to act, they have also included the 14 police officers who make their rounds at the square.
"At the 12 most important establishments of the area we've placed A4 posters at women's toilets, so they can become familiar with the safety code #DianaDoble #NiUnaMenos," reads the tweet of the Citizens Council of Mexico City.