The Special Prosecutor's Office for Crimes Against Freedom of Expression (FEADLE) of the Attorney General's Office (PGR) initiated an investigation into the alleged illegal intervention of communications against journalists, social activists and Human rights defenders.
After the US daily The New York Times reported on the alleged use of Pegasus Israeli software, exclusively sold to governments, to infect cell phones and enter calls, messages and all information of the device, the PGR reported that it has initiated the corresponding research file.
The probable crimes of intervention of private communications and illicit access to computer systems and equipment are provided for in articles 177 and 211 bis 1 of the Federal Criminal Code , respectively.
"As part of the investigation, all the necessary ministerial and expert investigations will be carried out, such as the analysis of affected telephone numbers, identification of the origin of the messages received by the complainants, the geolocation of the equipment which would have allegedly sent the messages, as well as the way in which this type of spyware operates, coupled with the identification of installed applications of telephone devices", said the federal agency.
He added that the company that provides this service, NSO Group , will also be investigated and asked to report which federal and state agencies it has worked with and if there is a contract with private companies to use this type of intervention equipment.
The PGR rejected the use of any software or tools to carry out illegal communications interventions.