Mexican authorities say they have arrested a member of the Honduran military, Henry Javier “N”, wanted in connection with the murder of a prominent environmental activist in Honduras, Berta Isabel Cáceres Flores, early last year.

Mexico's National Security Commission said in a statement Saturday that federal authorities in the northern border city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, had arrested a man in response to an Interpol Most Wanted list.

Members of the Intelligence Division of the Mexican Federal Police, in coordination with the Ministry of Defense (SEDENA) and Mexico’s National Migration Institute (INM) located the accused in the Narciso Mendoza neighborhood in Reynosa.

“With the information obtained, federal security authorities had implemented permanent and mobile surveillance in the Reynosa municipality, which resulted in the location and arrest of the accused, without a single shot being fired”, informed the authorities.

The suspect remains at the disposal of the corresponding migration migration authorities. Plans to begin extradition proceedings to hand him over to Honduran authorities are already underway.

Berta Cáceres was killed March 3, 2016, since then authorities have arrested about a half-dozen suspects in Honduras, including a man who worked for the hydroelectric project that she opposed. She had reported a number of threats prior to her death.

Cáceres had been awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize for her work to preserve land.

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