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El fallido desafuero de Cuauhtémoc Blanco; momentos clave del proceso tras ser señalado por intento de violación

Sheinbaum supervisa avances del Trolebús Elevado Chalco-Santa Martha; se reúne con Clara Brugada y Delfina Gómez

Copred respalda a Cháirez tras suspensión de “La Venida del Señor”; defiende que su obra no vulnera derechos religiosos
The Atmospheric Monitoring System of the Environmental Commission of the Megalopolis reported 157 points on the pollution scale, well pass the threshold for the declaration of a phase I contingency in the area.
Adults, children, and young people are called to avoid outdoor activities, particularly those with respiratory problems.
It is also expected that more than two million automobiles will be forbidden from being used in the metropolitan area in order to revert the pollution.