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El fallido desafuero de Cuauhtémoc Blanco; momentos clave del proceso tras ser señalado por intento de violación

Sheinbaum supervisa avances del Trolebús Elevado Chalco-Santa Martha; se reúne con Clara Brugada y Delfina Gómez

Copred respalda a Cháirez tras suspensión de “La Venida del Señor”; defiende que su obra no vulnera derechos religiosos
A fire at the national park El Tepozteco in Tepoztlán that started on Tuesday has not been fully contained.
The state center of environmental emergencies said that 102 people are working to put down the fire, that has reached the camping area known as Meztitla.
Today helicopters from Mexico City and the State of Mexico were sent to the area to collaborate in the efforts to put down the fire, that has been difficult to fight due to the warm weather and wind.
The fire could have been caused by agricultural burning that spiraled out of control.