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El fallido desafuero de Cuauhtémoc Blanco; momentos clave del proceso tras ser señalado por intento de violación

Sheinbaum supervisa avances del Trolebús Elevado Chalco-Santa Martha; se reúne con Clara Brugada y Delfina Gómez

Copred respalda a Cháirez tras suspensión de “La Venida del Señor”; defiende que su obra no vulnera derechos religiosos
The Urban Management Agency of the Mexico City reported rain in the central, western and northern areas of the metropolis.
On a Twitter report, the agency also recommended drivers to proceed with caution and wear their belts.
In the meantime, the Command, Control, Communications and Computing Center of Mexico City reported light rain in the districts of Azcapotzalco, Gustavo A. Madero, and Cuauhtémoc, as well as moderate rain in Miguel Hidalgo.