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El fallido desafuero de Cuauhtémoc Blanco; momentos clave del proceso tras ser señalado por intento de violación

Sheinbaum supervisa avances del Trolebús Elevado Chalco-Santa Martha; se reúne con Clara Brugada y Delfina Gómez

Copred respalda a Cháirez tras suspensión de “La Venida del Señor”; defiende que su obra no vulnera derechos religiosos
Anonymous Mexico released photographs, videos and telephone numbers of four young men from Veracruz who allegedly raped a 17-year-old girl called Daphne.
Anonymous said that the members of the criminal organization known as “Los Porkys” are: Enrique Capitaine Marín, Jorge Cotaita Cabrales, Gerardo Rodríguez Acosta and Diego Cruz Alonso. On a video posted on YouTube the network of activists accused them of being children of officials of the government of Veracruz who kidnap, sexually exploit and sometimes kill girls and women..
In the video Anonymous showed images of their relatives (parents, sisters, aunts) as well as of their businesses and video confessions admitting that they raped the girl.