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De colores y distintos tamaños, Comisión del INE aprueba boletas para elección judicial; falta voto del Consejo General
Comisión del INE aprueba recorte para organizar elección judical con 6 mil mdp; ajustan actividades de bajo impacto
Llega Navidad para choferes y repartidores; publican en el DOF decreto para derecho a seguro médico, indemnización y utilidades
A man was killed and two more people were injured in a shooting at the posh area of the Zona Esmeralda of Atizapán de Zaragoza, in the State of Mexico, causing a massive man-hunt for the attackers.
At 12:00 p.m., at least two men attacked a 35-year-old man in sportswear, leaving his body next to a white van in Superama store's parking lot.
A woman and another man were injured in the attack and then taken to a local hospital.
Two vans with several bullet impacts, a black Audi and white Porsche were left abandoned in the parking lot.
The attackers have been not located and the motives behind this murder are yet to be determined.