Criminal boss Silvestre Haro Rodríguez "El Chive" was arrested while visiting a brother in law in a hospital, along several of his relatives and accomplices, as reported by the inter-agency Tamaulipas Coordination Group (CGT). "El Chive" has been linked to the Gulf Cartel. According to the CGT, Haro Rodríguez is a priority target for the security strategy in the state, being the leader of a criminal gang which operates in the metropolitan area of Tampico, as well as Madero and Altamira. Some of his relatives and accomplices were also arrested Friday night, including his brother Carlos Alberto Alvarez Díaz, known as "R5," who is his right arm in the criminal organization. According to the GCT, when facing arrest he tried to bribe the authorities with three vehicles. The criminal leader was arrested while visiting Carlos Alberto Alvarez Díaz, who had suffered the loss of a hand by the detonation of an explosive device. The other detainees are Guillermo Alvarez Cortés, Rosa Elena Díaz Acevedo and Luis Alberto Rodríguez Gallegos (parents of Carlos Alberto), Mayomy Sarahí Haro Rodríguez (sister of Sylvester), Rigoberto Espinosa Martínez, Renzo Eduardo Yañez Saldaña and Aleks Hernández Salazar. The operation had the support of the Ministry of National Defense, the Mexican Navy, Military Police, Federal Police and the National Gendarmerie. In reaction to the arrest of Sylvester, criminal gangs blocked the Tancol bridge, on the Tampico-Mante road, but just a few minutes later the state and federal authorities removed the blockade.

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